NAID-ANZ discovers how some of the most trusted organisations are handling your confidential information


SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – The results of a new study by the Australian Chapter of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID-ANZ) will be formally released at a media conference at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 19 February.

The study took place in January and February 2013. A licensed private investigator casually examined the contents of publicly accessible waste bins used by businesses that have an established responsibility to protect client data. The study was designed to discover the relative percentage of confidential waste that might be available on any given day at a cross section of data-sensitive organisations.

The findings within some sectors were particularly troubling. The survey will detail why a 36-year-old man with prostate cancer from North Sydney should be particularly concerned.

“According to the Australian Crime Commission, identity theft is the fast growing crime in the country,” said Global NAID CEO Bob Johnson. “Studies have shown that these criminals often rely on low-tech, untraceable sources of personal information. Dumpster diving is a big part of their trade craft.”

The media conference will also detail how Sydney-area companies fair with respect to similar metropolitan areas around the world where comparable studies have been carried out. In addition, Johnson and the private investigation firm carrying out the study will share the results with the media at the press conference. Also, in attendance will be top officials from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and the Department of the Australian Attorney General.

About NAID-ANZ: NAID-ANZ is a chapter of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), the non-profit trade association of the secure destruction industry, currently representing over 1,900 member locations globally. NAID-ANZ’s mission is to promote the proper destruction of discarded information through education and to encourage the outsourcing of destruction needs to qualified contractors, including those that are NAID certified.


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