ASIS China 2016 Addresses the Evolving Risk Landscape


ASIS_LOGOThe ASIS China 2016 conference took place successfully in Shanghai on November 14 and 15.

Over 150 attendees registered, with many leading global and regional organizations represented. In addition to China, participants came from across the Asia-Pacific region including Singapore, Hong Kong, India, and Australia plus several from the U.S. and Europe. The conference was sponsored by Tyco and China City Guard.

ASIS President David C. Davis CPP, set the scene with an overview of the state of security touching on the evolving risk landscape including terrorism and IoT security. He also recognized the winner of the ASIS Dan Grove APAC Regional Scholarship: Suraj Shankhpal, of Goldman Sachs in India.

He was followed by a lively panel debate on “Low Margins in the Manned Guarding Sector” and how this affects customers, guarding companies guards and even the image of the security profession as a whole.

ASIS provided a unique platform bringing together contrasting perspectives from local and regional guarding service providers and senior practitioners tasked with sourcing and selecting such services for their companies.

The ASIS CEO, Peter J. O’Neil spoke about the changes the society is going through to deliver more value to members globally. Other topics on the agenda included: Jihadist strategy, cyber threat management, creating a practical emergency action plan, duty of care, social media and convergence of physical and cyber security risks.

The next ASIS global conference will be ASIS Europe 2017, taking place in Milan, Italy on 29-31 March 2017. The event will focus on cyber-physical threats in multinational, connected enterprises. For more information on the event, visit

About ASIS International:
ASIS International is a global community of security practitioners, each of whom has a role in the protection of assets – people, property, and/or information. Our members represent virtually every industry in the public and private sectors, and organizations of all sizes. From entry-level managers to CSOs to CEOs, from security veterans to consultants and those transitioning from law enforcement or the military, the ASIS community is global and diverse. No other organization possesses the vast array of knowledge, expertise, and experience. For more information, visit


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